Privacy policy.

Personal Information

For the purpose of this Privacy Statement, “personal information” means information about an identifiable individual.

Personal information shall include but is not limited to: (1) contact information such as name, residential address, e-mail address and non-business telephone number; (2) proof of identity such as a signature; (3) financial, and billing information such as a credit card number and expiration date; (4) demographic information such as age, gender, education and occupation; and (5) publicity information such as personal photographs.

Collection and Use of Employee Candidate Personal Information

herman Legacy Coffee ltd “legacy brew” collects personal information from employee candidates in connection with the administration of its employment applications and hiring program. Personal information collected from an employee candidate includes but is not limited to: name, residential address, non-business telephone number, email address, signature, educational background, previous employment information, citizenship status, and age. Failure to provide requested personal information may negatively impact legacy brew’s consideration of a candidate for employment.

Collection and Use of Customer Information

Customer Feedback

legacy brew collects customer personal information when a customer contacts legacy brew directly to make inquiries or to provide feedback with respect to legacy brew products.  Personal information collected from a customer includes but is not limited to: name, email address, non-business telephone number, the affiliate location visited, and the date and time of the customer’s visit to the affiliate’s location. A customer agrees to be contacted by legacy brew when submitting feedback to legacy brew using the online contact form. Failure to provide necessary information may prevent legacy brew from fully addressing any customer feedback or inquiry.


By entering a legacy brew-sponsored contest, a customer consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in connection with the administration of the contest and for promotional and publicity purposes related to the contest in any media and without compensation.  Personal information collected from a contest entrant in connection with contest administration includes but is not limited to: name, birth date, residential address, non-business telephone number, and email address. Personal information collected in connection with promotional and publicity purposes related to the contest include but is not limited to: name, city and/or province of residence, likeness, voice, non-sensitive biographical information, and photographs. Failure to provide requested personal information may affect contest eligibility.


By signing up for the brewsletter, members agree to receive email updates on legacy brew products, events and promotions. Personal information collected from members includes name, email address and preferred local affiliate store. By submitting information to sign up for the brewletter, a customer consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by legacy brew and to third parties engaged to administer and provide email services. members can opt out of receiving emails from legacy brew by request or by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ button included in all emails.

Collection and Use of Prospective private label client’s Information

By applying to use legacy brew’s private label services, a prospective client consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.  legacy brew collects and uses personal information in order to assist it in selecting suitable candidates.

Personal information collected from prospective clients includes but is not limited to: name, residential address, residential telephone, email address, date of birth, educational background, occupation, previous employment, education, and financial information such as the amount of unencumbered cash available for investment and credit score.  Failure to provide requested personal information may impact a prospective franchisee’s ability to become a legacy brew’s private label client.

When We Disclose Your Personal Information

Except with your consent, we will not sell, license, trade or rent your personal information to or with others.

We may share personal information with third parties engaged to assist us in providing services to you or to carry out one or more of the purposes described above. These service providers are prohibited from using your personal information for any purpose other than to provide this assistance and are required to protect personal information collected by them on behalf of legacy brew or disclosed to them by legacy brew and to comply with the general privacy principles described in this Privacy Statement.

legacy brew reserves the right to disclose personal information to a third party if a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order legally requires or authorizes us to do so.

legacy brew also reserves the right to disclose and/or transfer personal information to a third party in the event of a proposed or actual purchase, sale (including a liquidation, realization, foreclosure or repossession), lease, merger, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, transfer, conveyance or financing of all or any portion of the business or assets or shares of  legacy brew or a division thereof in order for you to continue to receive the same products and services from the third party.

Knowledge and Consent

legacy brew collects personal information about you only when you voluntarily provide it.   By using our website, you signify your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Policy Statement. In certain circumstances, consent may be sought after the information has been collected but before use (for example, when we want to use the information for a purpose not previously identified).

The form of consent that we seek, including whether it is express or implied, will largely depend on the sensitivity of the personal information and the reasonable expectations of the individual in the circumstances.

We will not, as a condition of the supply of a product or service, require you to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of information beyond that required to fulfill the explicitly specified and legitimate purposes for which the information is being provided.

How We Protect Your Personal Information

legacy brew makes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information collected from you is protected against loss, theft and unauthorized access.  This protection applies in relation to information stored in both electronic and hard copy form.  Access to your personal information is restricted to selected employees or representatives.  In addition, legacy brew employs generally accepted information security techniques, such as firewalls, and access control procedures, to protect personal information against loss and unauthorized access.

Links to Third-Party Sites

This website may offer links to other third-party websites.  You should be aware that operators of linked websites may also collect your personal information (including information generated through the use of cookies) when you link to their websites.  legacy brew is not responsible for how such third parties collect, use or disclose your personal information, so it is important to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies before providing them with your personal information.

Retention and Storage of Your Personal Information

legacy brew retains your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and to comply with applicable laws, and your consent to such purposes(s) remains valid after the termination of our relationship with you.

For the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, legacy brew or a service provider may process and store your personal information outside of the province in which you reside and/or outside of Canada, and under the laws of those other jurisdictions, in certain circumstances courts, law enforcement agencies or regulatory agencies in those other provinces or foreign jurisdictions may be entitled to access your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

legacy brew reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time without notice to reflect changes in legal or regulatory obligations or changes in the manner in which we deal with personal information. The Privacy Statement posted at any time or from time to time via this website shall be deemed to be the Privacy Statement then in effect.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about legacy brew’s Privacy Statement and/or practices, contact us at or at
9145 shaughnessy st, vancouver BC V6p 6r9.